Project Facts
The Dalian Metro Line 5 adopted a 12.26m diameter TBM Haihong supplied by CREG, crossing Suoyu Gulf. The tunnel is 2870m long, which covers 2310m long subsea section and 560m long section on the land. The single-bore twin-track tunnel is 12.2m~22.8m to the sea floor, and the sea water is 9m~14m deep. It is regarded as one of the most challenging projects of its kind, for its extremely complicated construction environment, great difficulty in construction, high risk in safety control. CREG innovated its cutterhead design and main drive design. The TBM was equipped with probe drill system and geological monitoring system, to ensure geological adaption and stability. On July 10th 2018, TBM Haihong finished its FAT in CREG’s Dalian base, and was launched on January 18th 2019.
Machine Specification
Machine length: 158 m
Excavation diameter: 12.26 m
Electric drive power: 4,200 kW
Cutterhead Rotation: 0-3 rpm
Maximum Torque: 34,300 kN.m
Total Thrust: 14,816 t
Geological Features
Dolomitic limestone and slate, calcareous slate.