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Breakthrough of CREG 2.845m Slurry TBM in Xuzhou

Date: 2021-12-25


CREG’s 2.845m slurry TBM achieved breakthrough of first section on 6th, November in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. 



With a diameter of 2.845m, the machine is known as the smallest slurry TBM in China. Despite the unfavorable ground condition of silt with silty sand, muddy silty clay, the machine successfully travelled underneath commercial buildings, high-rise residential buildings and metro line 1 with a minimum clearance of 6.6m and has achieved very good performance with the best daily advance of 23 rings and best monthly advance of 399 rings without any major defects within its 1051m driving distance. The TBM will be re-launched for the next section of the project and make contribution to the city’s sewerage pipeline construction.
